
  • IGCC: Australian 2030 climate target is 'deep concern to investors'

    26 October 2021

    Australia's failure to commit to an ambitious target for decarbonising by 2030 risks blocking billions of dollars of investment, the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) has said.

  • ABP to sell €15bn of fossil fuel holdings on climate grounds

    26 October 2021

    Dutch pension fund ABP will divest from all producers of oil, gas and coal, a segment of its portfolio valued at €15 billion ($17 billion)...

  • Before the storm - reflections on COP26

    25 October 2021

    Glasgow must be a turning point in our efforts - not because of what happens there, but because of what we do differently the day after everyone goes home, argues Simon Zadek

  • Moody's: $14trn of G20 bank loans have high transition risk

    25 October 2021

    Almost one fifth of G20 banks' loans (19%) totalling $14 trillion are subject to high risk from the impact of measures taken to adapt to a low-carbon economy...

  • Aegon to launch Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund at COP26

    22 October 2021

    Aegon Asset Management and Aegon UK have partnered with the Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) to introduce the new Aegon Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund at COP26.

  • Climate scenario analysis 'should be approached with humility', say NGFS

    21 October 2021

    The Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) has highlighted key challenges in using climate scenarios ...

  • 27 of 29 NZAOA members fulfil commitments in time

    20 October 2021

    27 out of 29 members of the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (NZAOA) that joined early have fulfilled all the decarbonisation target-setting requirements...

  • UK climate disclosures mandatory within three years

    19 October 2021

    Climate-related financial disclosures that will align with forthcoming standards to be drawn up by the International Sustainability Standards Board will become "mandatory" in the UK for investors in two or three years, the government has said.

  • Canada's six largest banks join Net-Zero Banking Alliance

    19 October 2021

    Six of Canada's largest banks have joined the global Net-Zero Banking Alliance...

  • Immediate action needed to keep 1.5°C in sight, says PRI

    18 October 2021

    As governments prepare to start the COP26 negotiations at the end of the month, they have been warned that an immediate ramp-up in energy & land use policy is needed to keep the goal of restricting warming to 1.5°C in sight.