
  • More than $5bn committed to Divest Invest

    03 July 2015

    More than $5 billion has been committed to a campaign to divest from fossil fuel companies and invest the freed up capital in the low-carbon economy.

  • IEA calls for spending on renewables to increase to $400bn

    15 June 2015

    Annual investment in renewable energy needs to increase to $400 billion by 2030 or the chance to avert catastrophic climate change will be "missed forever", the international Energy Agency (IEA) has warned.

  • Prospects for REDD+ boosted by Bonn agreement

    12 June 2015

    After 10 years of negotiations over the UN's Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+ ) programme, diplomats in Bonn have made an eleventh hour agreement which will likely be carried into the Paris climate summit later this year.

  • Business coalition calls for zero emissions 'well before end of century'

    08 June 2015

    A coalition of businesses and NGOs has written an open letter calling for world leaders to back an ambitious "zero emissions" policy at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) in December.

  • Oil firms demand worldwide carbon pricing in open letter

    01 June 2015

    A group of six oil companies have called for the introduction of a global carbon price as part of "ambitious policy frameworks" to help tackle climate change, in an open letter to world leaders.

  • Of green bonds, Paris and additionality

    27 May 2015

    I was fortunate enough to spend much of last week in Paris where thousands of people from the business, finance and political worlds converged to talk about climate change, says Peter Cripps

  • 'Big, fat carbon price' called for at Paris climate meeting

    22 May 2015

    Investors and businesses have issued a clarion call for "a big fat price on carbon" ahead of the UN climate summit in Paris.

  • Why the Paris climate summit will boost REDD+

    20 May 2015

    An agreement in Paris could build on the achievements of the Warsaw Pact for REDD+ Action, and could prove a game changer for forestry, argues Mariama Vendramini

  • What the IPCC's Synthesis Report means for investors

    05 January 2015

    The IPCC's Synthesis Report of the Fifth Assessment Report highlights bold, plain messages that are essential reading in the lead up to the climate summit in Paris, says Jonathan Grant