
  • NBIM don't count carbon credits as part of your interim emission reduction targets

    18 September 2023
  • Further clarity on Article 6 methodology on its way, says IETA initiative

    13 September 2023

    Further clarity is expected soon on which methodologies will be used to define eligibility for the UN's carbon credit market, as well as how existing voluntary guidance could be 'absorbed' by the new market, the Climate Action Data Trust (CAD Trust) has said.

  • Nature in the spotlight at Africa Climate Summit

    05 September 2023

    As the inaugural Africa Climate Summit kicks off in Nairobi, nature looks set to take centre stage with investment pledges expected alongside ambitious biodiversity and deforestation targets.

  • Verra updates standard to 'strengthen integrity'

    30 August 2023

    Carbon project certifier Verra has updated its carbon standard, including 'enhancing social and environmental safeguards', in a bid to provide greater transparency and strengthen integrity.

  • RBC's climate framework 'highly tentative', says IEEFA

    30 August 2023
  • FAIRR calls on G20 to align agricultural subsidies with climate goals

    22 August 2023

    A coalition of 32 investors managing £5.7 trillion ($7.3 trillion) has urged G20 countries to better align their agricultural subsidies with their climate goals.

  • Integrity Council to tackle technology in voluntary carbon markets

    15 August 2023

    The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) is to study how technology will impact the market for carbon credits and where standardisation is needed, as part of its second phase of work.

  • ICVCM finalises carbon credit certification assessment

    27 July 2023

    The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) has finalised its carbon credit benchmark, by launching criteria on how to assess which carbon credit categories are eligible for its "best-in-class" certification label.

  • IOSCO: regulators need to help carbon markets 'avoid past mistakes'

    19 July 2023

    Securities and futures markets regulators should help improve "transparency and integrity" in compliance carbon markets, according to a report by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).

  • Don't vilify carbon markets, 'offsets will be needed in short-term', says TP ICAP

    18 July 2023

    While there are inevitably some in the voluntary carbon market that are trying to "game the market", the level of criticism suffered by the market is unjustified, TP ICAP has told Environmental Finance.