
  • EU publishes taxonomy reporting guidance following 'limited reporting'

    22 December 2023
  • Updated: Financial institutions partially exempt from supply chain due diligence under 'milestone' rules

    14 December 2023

    The finance sector will be exempt from carrying out environmental and social due diligence of companies 'downstream' in the supply chain under newly agreed EU rules, in a victory for lobbyists who claimed it would add disproportionate costs and unfairly expose institutions to legal claims.

  • Scope 4 emissions: opportunity or wrong turn?

    15 November 2023

    Companies should focus on reducing emissions - not complex calculations of avoided emissions, argues Geoffroy Marcassoli

  • The Future of ESG Data conference: Disclosures 'not making the planet any better', says ABN Amro

    17 October 2023

    Sustainability disclosures do not deliver real-world progress, and instead holding board positions and building relationships are much more important in driving change, ABN Amro has argued.

  • ESG Book: Financial benefit of California climate disclosure bills outweigh costs

    10 October 2023

    The landmark Californian corporate climate disclosure bills are as much about demonstrating "fiscal prudence and strategic investment" to investors as it is about climate action, according to ESG Book.

  • 190 investors sign up to collaborative engagement on nature

    26 September 2023

    190 institutional investors have signed up to collaborate to pressure 100 companies to address their negative impacts on nature, on the launch of Nature Action 100 (NA100) at Environmental Finance's Natural Capital Americas conference.

  • Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards winners revealed

    13 September 2023

    The winners of the annual Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards have been announced, recognising some of the companies taking the lead in transforming their business practices for a sustainable future.

  • ICE calls for avoided emissions disclosures standards

    23 August 2023

    Investors demanding disclosure of 'Scope 3' greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from companies should also request data on 'avoided emissions' to gain further insights into the low-carbon transition, according to researchers.

  • ESG ratings 'disincentivise' climate solution providers, Veolia CEO argues

    03 August 2023

    ESG ratings disincentivise companies that provide solutions to help other companies decarbonise, the CEO of Veolia has argued.

  • Commission makes concession following criticism of ESRS materiality opt-out

    31 July 2023

    Companies that say climate-related matters are not 'material' to them will be required to provide European regulators with a "detailed explanation" why, under revisions to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards.