Investors use 'up to 100,000 pieces of data' to show EU taxonomy alignment
14 July 2021The sustainability reporting burden imposed by regulation could be lessened in coming years with the development of a free-to-use European database, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Michael Hurley reports
Lack of ESG data a barrier to investors, finds Index Industry Association
13 July 2021The Index Industry Association (IIA) has found that a lack of standardised sustainability data is one of the main barriers to asset managers...
EU expert group publishes proposed social, transition Taxonomy extensions
13 July 2021The Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) has published proposals for extending the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities to include 'social' objectives, as well as extend the existing 'green' Taxonomy to specifically identify environmentally harmful and 'transition' activities to add nuance to the landmark regulation.
Second phase of SFDR delayed until July 2022
12 July 2021The EU has delayed implementation of the second phase of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) by six months, until 1 July, 2022.
GRI joins EFRAG to begin work on CSRD reporting standards
09 July 2021A group of experts has begun work to develop EU-wide sustainability reporting standards and joined with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to ensure the standards inform, and are informed by, global efforts at standardisation.
ECB to introduce climate disclosure requirements
08 July 2021The European Central Bank (ECB) will introduce environmental sustainability disclosure requirements for private assets, it has said, in a move that could help it tilt its asset purchases and collateral rules away from heavily polluting companies.
SEC's Gensler says investors should see data to back ESG fund claims
08 July 2021US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chair Gary Gensler says he has asked the regulator to investigate whether to introduce rules requiring sustainability-themed funds to disclose the criteria and underlying data they use, to help investors judge fund claims.
Pictet: 'Integrate water risk into mainstream tools'
08 July 2021Water risk has yet to be integrated into mainstream equity investment tools, according to Marc-Olivier Buffle...
Apex partners with i80 for ESG and loan services
07 July 2021Apex Group, a financial services provider, is partnering with the i80 Group, an investment firm, to provide loan administration and ESG ratings & advisory services, in addition to its existing fund administration services.
FSB releases roadmap to accelerate climate data disclosure
07 July 2021The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has released a roadmap for addressing climate-related financial risks, focussing on four main areas...