
  • Name changes to meet ESMA rules to cost EU funds €18m, ABN AMRO says

    19 July 2024
  • Nature reporting on the rise

    18 July 2024

    Europe is leading the way in demanding companies report their nature impacts, but other parts of the globe are set to follow. Genevieve Redgrave reports.

  • Von der Leyen wins re-election with pledge to 'stay the course' on Green Deal

    18 July 2024

    Ursula von der Leyen has won re-election as president of the European Commission, pledging to "stay the course" on the European Green Deal she helped forge in her first term at the helm and set a tough new emissions reduction target.

  • Central banks battling 'major data challenges' on nature, warns FSB

    18 July 2024

    Central banks and regulators' attempts to understand nature risks are being hindered by "major data and modelling challenges", the Financial Stability Board has warned.

  • S&P extends 'shades of green' to transition plan assessments

    18 July 2024

    S&P Global Ratings has extended its 'shades of green' methodology for judging labelled bonds to assess the credibility of companies' climate transition plans, with the launch of a product it said would help companies attract "transition finance".

  • CBI certification 'very difficult' for Japanese transition bonds

    18 July 2024

    Japan has confirmed it is not looking to certify its upcoming transition bonds with the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) due to challenges posed by its diverse framework, including around funding innovative start-ups.

  • Financial risk from climate damage may be underestimated by over 80%

    17 July 2024

    Financial losses from climate physical risk could be significantly underestimated, underlining the need for more granular asset-level data in climate risk assessment and stress testing, according to new academic research.

  • NGFS calls for harmonisation of climate reporting

    16 July 2024
  • Putting transition plans to the test: Moody's

    16 July 2024

    Investors face a tough task in scrutinising corporate transition plans - but an increasing number of products promise to help. In the first in a series, Michael Hurley examines Moody's Net Zero Assessment

  • Investors likely to pressure companies for high quality assurance, ICGN says

    15 July 2024