
  • EIB aims for biggest ever green bond

    06 September 2013

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) aims to tap its €650 million ($856 million) Climate Awareness Bond, in a move that could make it the largest ever green bond.

  • South African green retail bond raises R4bn

    20 August 2013

    A retail bond that helps finance South Africa's ambitious renewable energy drive has raised R4 billion ($394 million).

  • Climate Bonds Initiative launches solar bond standards

    16 August 2013

    The Climate Bonds Initiative has released standards for solar bonds, in a move hoped to attract more investors to the green bond market.

  • World Bank issues $550m green bond

    12 August 2013

    The World Bank has returned to the green bond market in a follow-up to its record-breaking $1 billion offering earlier this year.

  • EIB in its third green bond transaction of July

    31 July 2013

    The European Investment Bank has raised SEK400 million ($61.4 million) in its third green bond transaction in July.

  • Asset manager buys EIB's biggest SEK green bond of 2013

    19 July 2013

    The European Investment Bank has issued its biggest Swedish kronor-denominated green bond of 2013, with a Scandinavian asset manager the single buyer.

  • EIB issues record-breaking €650m green bond

    12 July 2013

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a €650 million ($849.4 million) Climate Awareness Bond (CAB) – the largest ever green bond to be denominated in euros, and the first to use the EIB's ECoop framework.

  • AfDB plans $500m green bond issue by end October

    10 July 2013

    The African Development Bank (AfDB) plans to issue a $500 million green bond in September or October, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • UK strike prices to 'help renewables developers tap green bond market'

    02 July 2013

    Proposed 'strike prices' to be paid by the UK government for renewable energy will help developers tap the green bond market, it was claimed today.

  • Reasons for hope?

    24 June 2013

    On the face of it, there's plenty to be pessimistic about in the environmental markets at the moment.