
  • EU-China solar trade deal 'relief' for investors

    30 July 2013

    A compromise suggested by the EU and China in their long-running solar trade dispute has been hailed as a relief for investors, but could deal a further blow to Europe's solar manufacturers and installers.

  • UK GIB in 'landmark' Northern Ireland deal

    30 July 2013

    The UK's Green Investment Bank has helped to fund an £81 million ($124.5 million) combined heat and power plant that will burn wood reclaimed from landfill.

  • Clean-tech sector more optimistic than most, survey says

    29 July 2013

    Businesses in the clean-tech sector are more confident about seeing an increase in profits and investment over the next 12 months than those in other sectors, a survey has found.

  • Renewables sector to triple insurance spending by 2020 'to attract new investors'

    25 July 2013

    The renewables sector's spending on risk management products could surge by end of the decade as the industry seeks to unlock finance from risk-averse investors, a report has claimed.

  • EIB to phase out coal-fired lending

    24 July 2013

    One of the world's biggest energy lenders, the European Investment Bank, has adopted new lending policies expected to see it phase out the financing of coal-fired power plants.

  • Renewables investment set for further falls, report warns

    23 July 2013

    Investment in renewables is likely to continue to decline, at least in the near term, partly as a result of the US shale gas boom, a new report has warned.

  • WHEB Asset Management positive on outlook for LED stocks

    23 July 2013

    An asset manager has highlighted a number of stocks it believes are best placed to benefit from the projected rapid growth of energy efficient light emitting diodes.

  • Renewables' missing link

    18 July 2013

    The Achilles heel of wind and solar has traditionally been the intermittency that renders production unpredictable. But advances in technology mean energy storage is now ready to help the renewables sector scale up. Andrew Jones explains.

  • Green Deal Finance Company to woo institutional investors

    18 July 2013

    The company that provides loans under the UK's Green Deal domestic energy efficiency programme hopes to raise funds from institutional investors in a year, it said today.

  • Bullish outlook for energy storage, say analysts

    17 July 2013

    Increasing power generation from wind farms and solar panels coupled, in many countries, with high electricity prices and declining feed-in tariffs, will trigger a five-fold increase in demand for energy storage systems by 2020, analysts predict.