
  • Voting in Environmental Finance's 18th Annual Market Rankings closes soon

    03 November 2017

    Voting has begun in the Environmental Finance Annual Market Rankings – the largest and most closely watched survey of the world's environmental markets.

  • TCFD not incompatible with ERISA, says Baker McKenzie

    23 October 2017

    The recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) are not incompatible with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), says Baker McKenzie.

  • Dutch central bank warns of green bubbles and greenwashing

    06 October 2017

    The Dutch central bank (DNB) has warned that the boom in green finance holds the risk of bubbles and greenwashing and warns against looser regulation for such products.

  • A development agenda

    02 October 2017

    South Africa's largest asset owner, the GEPF, owns more than 10% of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange giving it immense influence over its portfolio companies to bring about environmental and transformative change. Joe Walsh reports

  • MSCI launches combined factor and ESG exposure indexes

    29 September 2017

    MSCI has launched a set of indexes that combine environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance with other factors.

  • Daiwa launches ETF tracking FTSE Blossom Japan ESG index

    28 September 2017

    Japanese firm Daiwa Asset Management has launched an ETF that will track the FTSE Blossom Japan Index to underlie its environmental, social and governance (ESG)-themed exchange-traded fund (ETF).

  • Rebooting the carbon markets

    28 September 2017

    Across the globe, regulators are doubling down on their commitment to carbon trading, despite recent market setbacks. Graham Cooper reports

  • Winners revealed in voluntary carbon poll

    25 September 2017

    Developments in international policy, new standards and the promise of future demand from the aviation industry are pushing the voluntary carbon market forward, the top firms in Environmental Finance's 2017 rankings say

  • Voluntary carbon high-flyers preparing for market's take-off

    25 September 2017

    The promise of future demand from the aviation industry and new types of financing are fuelling optimism in the voluntary carbon market, the top-ranking firms in Environmental Finance's 2017 Voluntary Carbon Markets Rankings say.

  • ESG indexes: in the sweet spot

    20 September 2017

    Billions have flowed into funds tracking ESG indexes or low-carbon indexes in recent months. What are the innovations that will drive further growth, asks Peter Cripps