
  • A review of the green bond market in 2016: Another record year of firsts

    23 December 2016

    It's been blockbuster year for the green bond market, with more than double the value of issuance of 2015, credit ratings agencies joining the market, and innovative bonds launched. Hamza Ali reports

  • European Commission names 20-strong sustainable finance commitee

    23 December 2016

    The European Commission has named a 20-strong committee charged with helping "hardwire sustainability" into EU financial policy.

  • 2016 catastrophes cost $158 billion, says Swiss Re

    19 December 2016

    Natural and man-made catastrophes in 2016 are estimated to have caused economic losses of $158 billion, according to Swiss Re.

  • Ship owners and NGOs object to EU ETS reform proposals

    19 December 2016

    A proposed revision of the EU's pioneering Emissions Trading System (ETS) is facing strong opposition from ship owners and some environmental NGOs.

  • European energy companies enter market

    16 December 2016

    Leading weather risk specialists see hedging demand growing from energy companies in Europe and the agriculture sector in the US. Joe Walsh reports

  • Innovation increases in static market

    15 December 2016

    While Hurricane Matthew attracted most attention, 2016 also saw some significant innovation in the cat bond market, says Joe Walsh

  • RECs in reverse

    14 December 2016

    This year has seen a reversal of fortunes for some renewable energy certificate (REC) markets, with some of last year's best performing US markets seeing big price drops, while EU and Australian markets saw record gains. Hamza Ali reports

  • Carbon markets face fresh uncertainty

    13 December 2016

    Political changes in the UK and US have reversed recent progress towards greater clarity in the world's largest carbon markets, says Graham Cooper

  • Back to the (uncertain) future

    12 December 2016

    Despite setbacks in some key markets, the winners of this year's Environmental Finance Market Rankings are generally bullish about the growth of existing trading systems and the creation of new ones

  • Protection gap for climate change risks grows to $100bn

    07 December 2016

    Climate change related risks have dramatically reduced insurers' ability to underwrite certain assets, a report has found.