
  • Carbon's new frontier

    01 May 2009

    Recent months have seen a dramatic increase in government-to-government trading of Assigned Amount Units – raising fears for their impact on the wider carbon market. Katie Kouchakji reports

  • An eye on certainty

    01 May 2009

    Profound questions remain unanswered on the when and how of US federal greenhouse gas regulation. But enough clues are emerging to allow for pre-compliance hedging and arbitrage, as Jay McCall explains

  • Playing REDD without losing your shirt

    01 May 2009

    Reducing emissions from deforestation will be a crucial part of a post-2012 climate change agreement – and carbon finance is likely to play its part. Martin Berg and Andrew Hedges consider how early movers might position themselves

  • EPA sees CAIR replacement in two years

    30 April 2009

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hopes to have an emissions control programme to replace the rejected Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) established in two years, according to a top EPA official.

  • Weathering the storm

    01 April 2009

    In the last quarter of 2008, the global financial crisis finally hit the catastrophe bond market. As bond issuance begins to resume, Beat Holliger explains how the market is learning the lessons from Lehman Brothers' default

  • The case for allocating carbon allowances

    01 April 2009

    The US power sector stands ready to contribute to the nation's efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions – but any cap-and-trade programme must allocate, not auction allowances, says Thomas Kuhn

  • Auction, EPA reveal doubts over SO2 and NOx markets

    01 April 2009

    An auction of US sulphur dioxide (SO2) allow­ances for use in 2016 cleared at $6.63/ton, a level well below most market expectations and one that reflects the increasing uncertainty about the future of existing US emissions markets.

  • HSBC makes 'green' insurance push

    26 March 2009

    HSBC plans to integrate sustainability into its insurance business, launching 'green' insurance products across its global operations this year.

  • Insurers push back on climate risk disclosure

    19 March 2009

    Insurers operating in the US will be required to disclose the financial risks associated with climate change and the actions they are taking to mitigate those risks, following a ruling by insurance regulators.

  • Under greater scrutiny

    01 March 2009

    As climate change regulation rises up the US political agenda, public companies will face new disclosure obligations. Amy Freed and Jennie Ingram consider the issues