
  • Planet First Partners invests £20m in plant-based meat

    17 June 2024
  • AXA Climate to launch forestry insurance

    14 June 2024
  • UBS looking to mitigate renewables' harmful impact on nature

    14 June 2024

    UBS said it will look to mitigate renewable energy's harmful impacts on nature, by improving land management and carrying out more long-term analysis.

  • Regen agriculture report highlights financing challenges

    13 June 2024

    Regenerative agriculture will need to go through a "maturity curve", advisory and investment firm Pollination has said, arguing that large institutional capital and concessional finance will need to enter the market at scale.

  • Insurers facing issues in quantifying nature risk

    13 June 2024

    Incorporating nature and biodiversity risks into the Solvency II own risk and solvency assessment (Orsa) presents challenges for insurers due to mismatching timeframes and lack of data, according to ASR.

  • 73% of South African financial institutions not setting nature targets

    13 June 2024
  • Nature Restoration Law 'at risk' after EU elections, UBS predicts

    13 June 2024

    UBS has identified the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law as being "at risk" following the outcome of European Parliamentary elections, and a rule to phase out all new internal combustion engine car sales by 2035 could also be a casualty.

  • Market not recognising timberland's full sustainability benefits

    13 June 2024

    Current investment approaches to timberland fail to adequately recognise the main sustainability benefits of the asset class and are hindering scalability, investors warned.

  • Proprietary nature data holding back AI development

    12 June 2024

    Keeping nature data as exclusive information is hindering the potential impact of artificial intelligence, a Belgian nature investor has warned.

  • OECD adviser criticises investors' "limited span of concentration" on nature

    12 June 2024

    A member of the OECD's advisory council has criticised "big capital" for its unwillingness to properly engage with nature, alleging that most want overly simple investment options.