
  • Investor network urges Japan not to diverge from ISSB

    22 July 2024
  • FRC cuts UK Stewardship Code reporting to 'reduce burden' on signatories

    22 July 2024

    The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has cut reporting requirements of the UK Stewardship Code, to "provide clarity on areas signatories outlined as challenging to address, reduce the volume of reporting and provide flexibility for signatories in defining how they undertake stewardship".

  • Name changes to meet ESMA rules to cost EU funds €18m, ABN AMRO says

    19 July 2024
  • Nature reporting on the rise

    18 July 2024

    Europe is leading the way in demanding companies report their nature impacts, but other parts of the globe are set to follow. Genevieve Redgrave reports.

  • Von der Leyen wins re-election with pledge to 'stay the course' on Green Deal

    18 July 2024

    Ursula von der Leyen has won re-election as president of the European Commission, pledging to "stay the course" on the European Green Deal she helped forge in her first term at the helm and set a tough new emissions reduction target.

  • UNEP FI launches resources for banks to benefit from the circular economy

    18 July 2024

    The UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has launched a series of resources designed to help banks and clients implement circularity within their businesses and portfolios.

  • US banks 'concerned' Basel climate scenario work could affect capital adequacy ratios

    17 July 2024

    An influential group of some of the US' biggest banks has said it is "concerned" that work by the Basel Committee could prematurely lead banking supervisors to change capital adequacy requirements based on the results of climate scenario analysis.

  • Central banks and regulators 'need to play their part' to tackle deforestation

    17 July 2024
  • NGFS calls for harmonisation of climate reporting

    16 July 2024
  • Amundi, LGIM among investors urging government to act on nature

    16 July 2024

    Governments have been urged to take "immediate leadership" on nature and create more facilitatory financial policies in a letter signed by a group of 130 businesses and investors.