
  • Scandinavia dominates RobecoSAM's sustainability rankings

    30 June 2015

    Sweden, Norway and Denmark all feature in the top 10 most sustainable countries, according to a report looking at "key risk and return drivers for investors".

  • AIB launches €5m clean-tech start-up fund

    29 June 2015

    Irish bank AIB has launched a €5 million ($5 million) equity fund to invest in sustainable technology start-up companies.

  • EU carbon market weekly update - 29 June 2015

    29 June 2015

    After modest gains last week, EU allowance prices are most likely to move sideways in the next few days, says Louis Redshaw.

  • New benchmark for impact investment funds launched

    26 June 2015

    A new benchmark for impact investment funds was launched today, and its track record suggests that investors do not necessarily sacrifice performance when compared with mainstream equivalents.

  • Quotes of the Quarter

    26 June 2015

    Environmental Finance takes a look back at some of the quotes that defined the second quarter of 2015.

  • Australia boosts investor confidence by agreeing new renewables target

    26 June 2015

    Australia has reduced its Renewable Energy Target (RET) by nearly 20% – but the move was welcomed by investors as it ends months of political wrangling and reduces the uncertainty hanging over the sector.

  • GIB announces first ever profits and privatisation plans

    25 June 2015

    The UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) has announced its first full year profits, and comfirmed its plans to offerequity to private investors.

  • Renewables to attract $8trn by 2040, says BNEF

    24 June 2015

    Renewables will represent almost 60% of new capacity and two-thirds of the investment in global power generation over the next 25 years, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).

  • Rating agencies underestimate climate risks, warn lawyers

    24 June 2015

    Credit rating agencies are creating significant risks for investors, and could be exposing themselves to legal liability, by failing to acknowledge the climate risks facing fossil fuel investments, a US law group has warned.

  • EU carbon market weekly update - 23 June 2015

    23 June 2015

    Another week of sideways price moves in the EU carbon market is a strong possibility, unless there is a significant development in the Greek crisis, says Louis Redshaw