
  • Investors likely to pressure companies for high quality assurance, ICGN says

    15 July 2024
  • Is politics ignoring the climate-and-nature crisis?

    15 July 2024

    Addressing both climate and nature is a business imperative, despite the deafening political silence, argues Andrew Coburn

  • Piecemeal rollback of sustainability rules more likely than review of CSRD, observers say

    15 July 2024

    A full review of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) to reduce the reporting burden on corporates is unlikely, but a more politically conservative European Parliament could see a piecemeal rollback of regulations, a lawyer has said.

  • Central banks face tough questions to balance climate work and inflation, NGFS says

    12 July 2024

    Plans by central banks to escalate monetary policy measures to tackle climate-related financial risks may have to be revisited to consider their utility in the current raised interest rate environment, according to the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

  • Regulator's survey of five French asset managers finds none fully compliant with SFDR

    12 July 2024

    None of the five French asset managers surveyed by their regulator was fully compliant with the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), owing largely to a lack of reliable data, it has been revealed.

  • New UK government urged to 'improve credibility' of green bond programme

    12 July 2024

    The new UK government has been urged to provide greater use-of-proceeds clarity and outline a "comprehensive" medium-term green financing strategy to improve the credibility of future green bond issuances from the major sovereign issuer, according to a think tank.

  • SDR and the need for independent assessment

    12 July 2024

    Some asset managers plan to use internal controls, such as the risk management function and sustainability committee, to perform the independent assessment required under the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements, writes Annie Omojola

  • UK's Modern Slavery Act 'a huge disappointment', claims RepRisk CEO

    11 July 2024

    The UK's Modern Slavery Act (MSA) has been a "huge disappointment", argued the CEO of RepRisk, adding that he expects the EU's incoming Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) to have more impact.

  • German banks, insurers publish data guide for CSRD

    11 July 2024
  • Nigeria plans sovereign green bond market return in September

    11 July 2024

    The Nigerian government is planning to return to the green bond market for the first time in five years, as it outlines plans to become an annual issuer of the sustainable bond instrument.