
  • Senate rejects attempt to repeal Australia's carbon tax

    10 July 2014

    Australia's senate has voted down the government's attempt to repeal the controversial Carbon Pricing Mechanism or 'carbon tax'.

  • EU launches €3.7bn PPP to develop bio-based economy

    09 July 2014

    A €3.7 billion ($5.0 billion) public-private partnership has been launched to develop a range of technologies to convert biomass into chemicals, energy and new materials.

  • European Commission backs CCS project with €300m

    08 July 2014

    The UK's Capture Power consortium was today awarded a €300 million ($408 million) grant by the European Commission to develop its White Rose carbon capture and storage (CCS) project near Selby, Yorkshire.

  • UK renewables reach important – but modest – milestone

    07 July 2014

    As the UK's share of electricity generated from renewable sources approaches 20%, Seb Beloe hails the achievement, but says there is much further to go.

  • SRI firms call on UK government to clarify 'fiduciary duty'

    07 July 2014

    The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) is calling for a change in the law to make clear that pension fund trustees can take environmental and other non-financial issues into account in their investment decisions.

  • China issues first fines for breaking carbon rules, including Microsoft

    04 July 2014

    Five firms in China, including Microsoft, are reportedly to face fines for not opening carbon-trading accounts within the timeframe allocated by the country's energy conservation authority.

  • Pledges expected this year for $100bn Green Climate Fund

    03 July 2014

    The UN-backed Green Climate Fund has announced that it will take pledges for the fund in November, following a meeting of "interested contributors" this week.

  • Insurers call for more spending to reduce natural disaster costs

    02 July 2014

    Increased investment to improve resilience to natural hazards has been called for by a group of international insurers.

  • Reducing the costs of CSP

    30 June 2014

    Gianleo Frasari explains how public buy-in and bidding can reduce costs for concentrated solar power

  • Japan to give ¥1.8bn in grants to Asian cleantech

    26 June 2014

    Japan has pumped ¥1.8 billion ($17.7 million) into a new fund to help scale up low-carbon technologies in developing Asian countries.