
  • Investors voice 'deep concern' at UK listing rule change that removes voting rights

    11 July 2024

    Investors have voiced "deep concern" at changes to UK listing rules they say threaten the country's position as a leading light on corporate governance and will not deliver the benefits that are claimed.

  • Push to water down CSRD misguided but shows need for SME support, Triodos says

    11 July 2024
  • Inadequate data undermining usability of SFDR, investor survey says

    11 July 2024
  • ESRS and GRI very closely aligned, says GRI in reporting Q&A

    11 July 2024
  • Webinar: How central banks are exploring deforestation risks

    10 July 2024

    Central banks are gaining new insights into financial risks associated with deforestation and other land use changes and are encouraging widespread uptake of a novel framework to assess these risks, an Environmental Finance webinar heard.

  • EU Green Bond label faces slow start

    10 July 2024

    Investors would be keen to buy the gold-standard of sustainable bonds, but issuers are struggling to meet the criteria, writes Ahren Lester

  • UK sovereign wealth fund aims to crowd-in £20bn of private capital

    09 July 2024

    The UK government has confirmed plans to launch a sovereign wealth fund, with aims to attract £20 billion ($26 billion) of private funding towards green infrastructure.

  • Stringency sees enthusiasm wane for UK sustainability labels

    09 July 2024

    The perceived stringency of the UK sustainability labelling regime has seen initial enthusiasm wane and the number of applicants dwindle, according to Morningstar Sustainalytics.

  • Public sector disclosure standards will help national transition planning, says IPSASB chair

    08 July 2024

    Public sector climate-related disclosure standards analogous to those by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) are expected to help countries prepare transition plans, the chair of the body developing them says.

  • UK's Starmer 'must turn to nature to help meet net zero commitment'

    08 July 2024

    The UK's new government has been urged to look to nature-related policy proposals to help meet its climate targets.