
  • UK investors hit pause on sustainability labels

    03 July 2024

    The "painful" process of applying for a sustainability fund label in the UK has led some asset managers to pause applications, Michael Hurley reports

  • Swathes of world's largest companies 'way off' meeting CSDDD

    02 July 2024

    About 80% of the world's largest companies fail to meet any key elements of human rights due diligence, illustrating the urgent need for guidance as most of these companies brace for incoming EU regulation, according to a ranking of companies.

  • The next UK government's transition opportunity

    02 July 2024

    British voters want the next government to seize the economic opportunities of the green transition, writes James Alexander

  • WHEB warns regulation is creating 'unintentional stewardship stampede'

    01 July 2024

    The sustainable finance market is facing an avalanche of disclosures, which is reducing the quality of reporting, WHEB Asset Management has warned.

  • BNG success 'jeopardised' by local authority burden, says Gresham House

    01 July 2024

    The implementation of England's Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) legislation is being 'jeopardised' by the lack of resource within local authorities, Gresham House has said, as it called for more support from government.

  • Aviva calls for NDCs to become national transition plans

    28 June 2024

    Countries preparing their next set of climate targets should use it as an opportunity to prepare comprehensive, national climate transition plans that can plug into those being used by financial institutions, Aviva has urged.

  • A Labour government the best outcome for UK climate finance, says investor

    27 June 2024

    A win for Keir Starmer's Labour Party in next week's UK General Election would be the best outcome for driving climate finance, a growth investor has claimed.

  • Belgian regulator hopes SFDR review leads to labelling scheme

    26 June 2024

    A senior figure at Belgium's financial regulator said she hopes the EU's fund disclosure rules are reimagined as a labelling scheme.

  • ECB to set decarbonisation targets for corporate bond portfolios

    26 June 2024

    The European Central Bank (ECB) will target near-term greenhouse gas emissions reductions in its corporate bond portfolio for the first time and will consider 'remedial actions' if these diverge from a strict decarbonisation trajectory.

  • Navigating policy uncertainty in sustainable investing

    26 June 2024

    Despite the risk of policies being dialled back, the issue is speed rather than direction, writes Victoria MacLean