Absolute versus intensity targets. Part two
15 June 2023Investors often leave companies to decide which type of target is most appropriate for their business. Genevieve Redgrave reports
Absolute versus intensity targets
14 June 2023Investors are increasingly calling for companies to adopt absolute emissions reductions targets, but intensity targets continue to dominate, at least for now. Genevieve Redgrave reports
ESG materiality index outperforms in first year
14 June 2023An ESG index focused on materiality and transition has outperformed its parent index in the year since its launch.
Just Climate smashes fundraising target, with $1.5bn, and eyes nature fund next
08 June 2023Generation Investment Management's Just Climate said its inaugural fund has raised $1.5 billion, exceeding its $1 billion target, and is mulling raising a separate fund focused on nature.
Global plastics treaty 'must focus on finance'
06 June 2023A planned treaty on plastic pollution will need to put finance at its core in order to be successful, an investor has argued.
GFANZ APAC launches consultation on managed coal phase out
05 June 2023The Asia Pacific chapter of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) has published guidance for financing the early retirement of coal-fired power plants.
NZIA exodus continues as Allianz, Axa and Scor depart
26 May 2023Allianz, Axa and Scor have withdrawn from the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA), taking the total number of departures from the coalition to seven.
Phoenix unveils net-zero transition plan
25 May 2023The UK life insurer sets out five key targets to reach interim targets
PIRC calls on investors to oppose Glencore climate report
19 May 2023Proxy advisor Pensions and Investment Research Consultants (PIRC) has recommended that investors oppose mining and commodities trading giant Glencore's climate progress report over the inadequacy of its current targets and plans.
Just Energy Transition Partnerships still wrestling with coal investments, says Eastspring
18 May 2023Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP) still need to solve the challenge of how coal asset owners can be compensated for early retirement of their assets, Eastspring Investments has said.