
  • Carney: More capital must be allocated to help dirty companies transition

    20 February 2023

    The bulk of capital needs to flow to companies that are not yet aligned with the goals of the Paris climate agreement but need investment to help them shift, Mark Carney has said.

  • BP's backtrack is a crucial moment for the say-on-climate movement

    17 February 2023

    After taking the lead for oil companies on climate action, BP has quietly backtracked to take advantage of higher petrol prices. Matt Crossman asks if they've promised to run an Ironman before signing up for a proverbial parkrun

  • Research: Transitioning insurers' portfolios

    15 February 2023

    Environmental Finance's sister publication Insurance Asset Risk and J.P. Morgan Asset Management have launched the third edition of their annual research report into the sustainable investing practices of insurers.

  • Framework launched to assess climate in sovereign bonds

    07 February 2023

    A proposed framework will create a "common language" to help investors better understand countries' climate risk and opportunities, and engage with them on the subject, one of its creators said.

  • Assessing the relative transition readiness of real estate sectors

    03 February 2023

    There are significant differences in levels of transition readiness across the real estate sector, argues Matt Soffair, and owners of highly sustainable buildings may benefit from a 'scarcity premium'

  • Calls for the ISSB to place greater focus on transition

    02 February 2023

    Some investors argue the International Sustainability Standards Board needs to place the transition to a net zero economy at the heart of its forthcoming standards. Michael Hurley reports

  • Climate resilience a key theme for 2023, says BlackRock

    02 February 2023

    Climate resilience is likely to be a key driver for investors in 2023, and continue to have significant implications for thematic investing, BlackRock has said.

  • Mirova plans $500m blended finance emerging markets renewables fund

    02 February 2023

    Impact specialist Mirova said it expects "very soon" to reach a first close on a blended finance fund that will invest in renewable energy in Africa, Asia and Latin America

  • Transition investors need help to avoid greenwashing accusations, says Philippines regulator

    31 January 2023

    Investors and banks looking to retire Filipino coal assets early need more clarity on the transition, to avoid "undue greenwashing criticism", the Filipino regulator has said.

  • Agri-forestry investment yields endangered by physical climate risks, data gaps

    24 January 2023

    Folium Capital, a $900 million investor in the agriculture and forestry sector, is preparing for volatile annual returns over the next ten years, brought on by climate-induced forest fires, droughts, and pricier crop insurance.