
  • How the EBRD is going Paris aligned

    24 January 2023

    The decision will change climate considerations in finance on three continents, writes Dana Kupova

  • Sustainability a 'competitive differentiator' for Australian super funds

    20 January 2023

    Increasing consumer pressure to be 'green' has led Australian super funds to use sustainability as a "competitive differentiator" from their competitors, the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) has said.

  • ISSB to push for progressive improvements in climate scenario analysis

    20 January 2023

    Businesses reporting in line with proposed international sustainability standards will be asked to progressively improve their climate-related scenario analysis, after a vote yesterday.

  • Hong Kong airport expansion green bond is 'greenwashing'

    13 January 2023

    The Hong Kong Airport Authority (HKAA) has raised $1 billion from a green bond tranche which forms part of its broader funding of the runway expansion project, a year after its previous controversial deal.

  • Climate change tops WEF's long-term global risks

    12 January 2023

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has identified four environmental challenges among its ranking of the "most severe" risks over the next decade, with climate change again topping its list.

  • Three themes that need to be on the agenda in 2023

    09 January 2023

    Transition, blended finance and adaptation must move up investors' agendas in 2023, writes Peter Cripps

  • Moody's: ESG-driven credit risk will accelerate in 2023

    09 January 2023

    Moody's Investors Service said credit risk related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors is set to grow in 2023, including because of rising scrutiny of company decarbonisation plans.

  • Glencore shareholders demand more transparency on coal plan

    05 January 2023

    Investors representing $2.2 trillion in assets have asked Glencore to provide more information on how the mining giant's ongoing thermal coal production aligns with its commitment to support the Paris agreement

  • CBI outlines ASEAN transition plan recommendations

    04 January 2023

    The Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) has recommended companies in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) market should prominently publish clear transitions plans, also encouraging use of its 'five hallmarks' of a good transition plan.

  • Addressing the adaptation finance gap

    20 December 2022

    The costs associated with climate change are already here and rising fast. A more granular picture of physical climate risk and its economic impact should be used to scale adaption finance today, argues Florian Gallo