
  • Barclays' Hanna: We need to agree rules of the road on transition

    29 May 2024

    Barclays sees defining transition finance and boosting funding for climate tech as key challenges, Daniel Hanna tells Peter Cripps

  • 'Greenflation' likely in near-term, says Pictet-IIF research

    14 May 2024

    "Considerable economic disruption" from policies to support the transition to net zero is likely, feeding inflation in the near term and raising the risk of stranded assets and asset bubbles, according to research by Pictet Asset Management and the Institute of International Finance (IIF).

  • Green bond emissions accounting could 'significantly boost' market

    30 April 2024

    Accounting exclusively for project emissions financed through green bonds could "significantly boost" demand for the instrument as well as encourage greater green bond supply from 'transition' issuers, according to Barclays.

  • 'Unprecedented': Woodside Energy climate plan rejected by investors

    24 April 2024

    Australian oil and gas firm Woodside Energy had its climate transition plan rejected by a majority of shareholders at its annual general meeting (AGM), with investor groups arguing this record-breaking opposition showed its plans remained "insufficient".

  • Transition bond label is a 'distraction' for transition finance, says MetLife IM

    22 April 2024

    A dedicated 'transition bond' label for corporate issuers "distracts" from the forward-looking, long-term focus that transition finance requires, according to MetLife Investment Management (MetLIfe IM).

  • Comment: Are we finally ready to have a grown-up conversation about the transition?

    22 April 2024

    There are encouraging signs we are starting to have a more sophisticated and practical conversation about how to invest in the transition, says Peter Cripps

  • Is Asia's transition finance harming climate goals?

    18 April 2024

    Is the transition label a way to pull the wool over the eyes of investors and the public on climate action, asks Christina Ng

  • Transition funds are no longer just about impact, says RGreen

    16 April 2024

    Rgreen Invest has launched its fourth energy transition fund, as its founder told Environmental Finance the theme has evolved beyond being "a nice-to-have", towards being an economic safe haven and hedge against inflation.

  • Comment: The rumpus over SBTi's offsetting U-turn

    12 April 2024

    What does the row over SBTi's change of heart on carbon credits tell us about the state of sustainable finance, asks Peter Cripps

  • Foresight eyes first close of second energy transition fund

    11 April 2024