Q&A with Christian Thimann, a leading light in sustainable finance
09 February 2018The chair of HLEG and vice-chair of the TCFD shares his views on the reports' key findings and their implications for the insurance sector.
Insurers slammed for backing Polish coal plants
08 February 2018Allianz, Munich Re and Generali have been criticised for their involvement in a new coal power plant in Poland, while Axa and Aviva are also under fire for the limitations of their coal divestment policies.
Exxon takes encouraging disclosure steps but must go further, investors say
08 February 2018The latest climate-related disclosures by oil giant ExxonMobil fail to go far enough in setting out how climate change is likely to impact its business, say an influential group of investors that led last year's successful shareholder resolution against the company.
TCFD: Investors should use 'building blocks' to assess climate scenarios
06 February 2018Investors should question whether the climate scenarios produced by the companies they own are credible, by considering five key aspects, a report has argued.
Major investor initiative to tackle climate change on four fronts announced
01 February 2018A landmark initiative to spur investors to attack climate change on the four fronts of engagement, disclosure, low-carbon investing and policy advocacy has been launched.
Climate risk not yet a core business issue, say most insurers
24 January 2018Less than 40% of senior insurance company executives consider climate change as a core business issue, with implications for governance, strategy, risk and management operations, according to a recent poll.
Scenario analysis: creating memories of the future
12 January 2018The TCFD suggests companies should use scenario analysis to help them report climate risks. But what should they look like, asks Peter Cripps
Unison joins the fossil fuel divestment campaign
10 January 2018UK public services trade union Unison is campaigning for local government pension scheme (LGPS) funds to divest from fossil fuel companies.
Academics launch principles to help align investments with climate targets
05 January 2018A set of three simple principles has been proposed to help investors align their portfolios with a low-carbon economy.
Three institutional investors join $800bn Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition
15 December 2017Three institutional investors managing about $376 billion in combined assets have joined the UN's Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition (PDC).