
  • Norwegian government backs oil fund coal divestment

    28 May 2015

    Norway's NOK7 trillion ($894 billion) oil fund is to divest more of its coal holdings after the country's politicians gave an earlier-than-expected backing to plans to reduce its exposure to the commodity.

  • Axa divests coal as part of climate plan

    22 May 2015

    Axa threw its weight behind the divestment movement today after it pledged to sell its coal assets by the end of the year.

  • Natural disasters are major emerging risk, warns Swiss Re

    21 May 2015

    Large natural disasters are among the top four 'high impact' emerging risks identified by Swiss Re, the global reinsurance company, in a recent report.

  • Overlooking ESG breaches fiduciary duty, says Generation

    20 May 2015

    The former vice-president of the US, Al Gore, has condemned investors that disregard the stranded assets debate as "absurd", and his company is calling for sustainability assessments to be part of investors' fiduciary duty.

  • France's Hollande welcomes green bonds, decarbonisation initiatives

    20 May 2015

    French president Francois Hollande has hailed the importance of green bonds and portfolio decarbonisation initiatives in the run up to the UN climate change summit in December.

  • Investors launch platform to showcase their climate change initiatives

    20 May 2015

    A group of institutional investors, managing some $25 trillion, have launched an online platform to highlight the actions they are taking to curb climate change.

  • Shell, Statoil commit to improving disclosure of climate change risks

    20 May 2015

    Shareholders of Shell and Statoil have overwhelmingly passed resolutions committing the companies to improve disclosure of their climate change strategies and to aim for an 'A' rating in the CDP Leadership Performance Index.

  • Climate change still not on investor radar despite rise of ESG, says Mercer

    19 May 2015

    Climate change is still not taken seriously in investment strategies, despite a big jump in the number of pension funds considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, says Mercer.

  • Shell and Statoil next to face climate votes at AGM

    15 May 2015

    Shell and Statoil will become the latest fossil fuel companies to address mounting shareholder concerns about climate change when they hold their annual general meetings (AGMs) next week.

  • Paris climate summit to strengthen green bond market, says HSBC

    12 May 2015

    The rapidly growing green bond market could receive a further boost from a strong climate change agreement in December, a report by HSBC's climate change centre has claimed.