
  • $300bn of fossil fuel assets risk being stranded by 2035, says IEA

    03 June 2014

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned investors that "around $300 billion in fossil fuel assets [could be] left stranded by stronger climate policies" by 2035.

  • EPA move could put US power plants' ratings at risk, says S&P

    03 June 2014

    Standard & Poor's has warned that proposals to reduce emissions from power plants could threaten the credit ratings of the country's coal burning utilities.

  • Cenovus wades into stranded assets debate

    30 May 2014

    Canadian oil firm Cenovus Energy has become the latest fossil fuel company to engage in the debate on 'stranded carbon assets'.

  • Shell considers 'stranded assets' risk when screening projects

    29 May 2014

    The possibility that certain oil and gas assets may become 'stranded' as a result of government regulations to combat climate change is included in contingency plans when Royal Dutch Shell assesses potential new projects, a company spokesman said.

  • Shell rubbishes 'stranded assets' theory

    19 May 2014

    Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has dismissed concerns around 'stranded assets', claiming the idea is "alarmist", in a letter to shareholders.

  • Free fund managers from 'tyranny of benchmarks', says former Schroders CIO

    08 May 2014

    Asset managers must be freed from the "tyranny" of being measured against benchmark indexes to help them address the risk of stranded carbon assets in their portfolios, a former chief investment officer at Schroders has claimed.

  • $1.1trn of oil investment faces stranded asset risk, warns report

    08 May 2014

    Most of the oil reserves at risk of becoming 'stranded' as a result of action to curb climate change are held by private companies, warns a report from the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI).

  • Stranded asset risk reporting needs update, says CDSB

    30 April 2014

    The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) has developed a set of proposals designed to encourage companies to release information about stranded asset risks to investors.

  • FTSE launches first fossil fuel-free index, BlackRock investment product to follow

    29 April 2014

    Index provider FTSE has developed the first index family that excludes fossil fuel-based companies, as 'stranded assets' fears gain momentum among investors.

  • Stranded assets could cost $28trn, warns Kepler

    28 April 2014

    The fossil-fuel industry risks losing $28 trillion in revenues if policies are brought in to avoid catastrophic climate change, Kepler Cheuvreux has claimed.