
  • 'Generational change' behind ESG growth, says AXA

    14 April 2014

    Evidence is mounting that investors are increasingly keen to monitor environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks within their portfolios, claimed AXA Investment Managers (IM).

  • Infrastructure funds should address stranded assets fears, pension fund argues

    09 April 2014

    There is a lack of diversified infrastructure funds that take into account carbon risk, the chief investment officer of the UK Environment Agency's pension fund has claimed.

  • Engage on stranded assets, don't divest, pension fund advised

    08 April 2014

    The £2.3 billion ($3.8 billion) pension fund of the UK's Environment Agency has been advised to engage with fossil fuel companies about the risk of stranded assets, rather than divest its holdings.

  • Kepler Cheuvreux hires former Deutsche Bank carbon analyst

    01 April 2014

    Former Deutsche Bank carbon analyst Mark Lewis has been appointed as a senior member of brokerage Kepler Cheuvreux's sustainability research team.

  • Exxon disappoints investors with response to 'stranded assets' risk

    01 April 2014

    ExxonMobil has rejected the suggestion from several investor groups that much of its fossil-fuel reserves will be rendered 'unburnable', as a result of global efforts to combat climate change.

  • First State sets up 'stranded assets' working group

    27 March 2014

    Asset manager First State has set up a working group to explore the dangers that 'stranded carbon assets' pose to its investment portfolio.

  • Exxon Mobil to report on 'stranded assets' risk

    21 March 2014

    Energy giant Exxon Mobil has bowed to shareholder pressure to report on how it assesses the risk of its fossil fuel reserves becoming 'stranded assets' as a result of action to combat climate change.

  • BP enters debate on unburnable carbon

    20 March 2014

    BP has weighed into the debate on stranded assets, acknowledging the concept of a carbon budget, but effectively shrugging off warnings over stranded assets.

  • Where will the trail lead next for Carbon Tracker?

    28 February 2014

    In little more than two years since the publication of its pioneering research, the Carbon Tracker Initiative has got the financial world talking about 'unburnable carbon' and 'stranded assets'. Its new CEO Anthony Hobley reveals what's next from the influential think-tank

  • Low fossil fuel strategies perform in line with benchmark – MSCI

    31 January 2014

    Three strategies designed to allow investors to allay concerns about 'stranded assets' by reducing their exposure to fossil fuels have performed roughly in-line with a global benchmark index in recent years.