
  • Carbon Tracker appoints senior lawyer as first CEO

    03 December 2013

    Anthony Hobley, global head of sustainability and climate change at law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, is to become the first CEO of the Carbon Tracker Initiative.

  • Analysts warn of Keystone risk to investors

    26 November 2013

    TransCanada's $5.3 billion Keystone XL pipeline, which has been proposed to carry oil from Canada's oil sands to the US Gulf Coast, is a risky proposition for investors, new research suggests.

  • Norway's $800bn 'oil fund' faces calls to change structure and divest from coal

    12 November 2013

    Norway's $800 billion 'oil fund' could face a major shake-up of the way it implements its responsible investment strategy after a report recommended that politicians leave decisions on divestments to the country's central bank.

  • Pension savers urged to press funds for action on climate change

    29 October 2013

    A campaign was launched today attempting to mobilise UK savers to demand that their pension funds take action on climate change amid warnings of 'stranded assets'.

  • $3trn investor coalition heaps 'stranded asset' pressure on fossil fuel firms

    24 October 2013

    A coalition of investors worth $3 trillion has joined forces to write to 45 of the biggest oil and gas companies demanding how they are dealing with the threat of 'stranded assets'.

  • Vattenfall joins calls for 'EU carbon central bank'

    23 October 2013

    The head of one of Europe's largest utilities has joined calls to set up a body regulating the supply of allowances in the continent's beleaguered emissions trading system.

  • A crisis looms

    17 October 2013

    Jeremy Leggett's new book warns of turmoil ahead for the global energy and financial systems, but there is still hope for the longer-term future. His work is reviewed by Nick Robins

  • Accountants call for action on 'stranded assets'

    14 October 2013

    Companies should measure the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions stored within their fossil fuel reserves and account for them, according to Warren Allen, president of the International Federation of Accountants.

  • Stranded assets: the divestment debate

    14 October 2013

    There are calls for investors to reduce their exposure to fossil fuel stocks amid fears that their valuations will slump if politicians make good on their climate promises. But is now the right time to divest? Two institutional investors with contrasting views spoke to Environmental Finance

  • OECD chief backs warnings on 'stranded assets'

    09 October 2013

    If governments impose caps on carbon emissions, the risk of "unburnable" fossil fuel assets "could have a significant impact on the valuation of some companies", Angel Gurria, secretary general of the OECD said today.