
  • JO Hambro launches greenhouse gas emissions forecasting tool

    12 September 2023

    JO Hambro Capital Management has launched a proprietary greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions forecasting tool to help it assess the credibility of companies' net zero commitments.

  • BlackRock rejected Glencore's climate plan

    11 September 2023

    BlackRock voted against Swiss miner Glencore's climate plan, documents have revealed.

  • 'Uninsurable' assets is 'direction of travel' amid extreme weather

    11 September 2023

    ABN Amro has warned that assets are increasingly becoming "uninsurable" due to the impact of extreme weather caused by climate change, as insurers respond to rising loss risk by hiking premiums and reducing exposure.

  • APG lauds 'first of its kind' climate-themed real estate index for pension funds

    08 September 2023

    APG has hailed a "first of its kind" climate-themed real estate index it created for its pension fund clients, which aims for a progressive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

  • USS unveils own climate scenarios to address inadequacies in widely used models

    07 September 2023

    UK pension fund USS has published four climate scenarios that it says "better reflect the real-world risks and opportunities that frame our investment decision-making over the short- and medium-term", as it criticised widely-used models as "inadequate".

  • The ECB plots the 'winners and losers' of the transition

    06 September 2023

    The central bank has alerted lenders and investors to the relative winners and losers in the transition - with fossil fuel companies set to take an immediate hit. Michael Hurley reports

  • ECB warns fossil-fuel-exposed banks they risk €21bn in annual losses by 2029

    06 September 2023

    The European Central Bank (ECB) has delivered its starkest warning to-date of the damage a delayed transition to a net zero economy would inflict on the financial system.

  • ECB: Banks are 'on the horizon' of climate litigation surge

    05 September 2023

    A senior European Central Bank (ECB) official has warned banks to "get up to speed" with rising climate-related litigation risk as he expects regulation and recent legal successes to result in an escalation of cases against banks.

  • NatWest: Transition plans still tricky under EU SFDR

    04 September 2023

    Uncertainty still reigns among fund managers around how to handle investee transition plans under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), according to NatWest.

  • Many climate scenarios of limited use, as they don't model most likely case - Abrdn

    30 August 2023

    Widely used models for projecting future impacts of the energy transition are of limited use for investors as they fail to project the most likely level of warming, an investor has argued.