
  • Danish pension fund PKA engaging with 64 oil and gas giants on climate

    09 February 2018

    Danish pension fund PKA has said divestment is a possibility for 64 oil and gas companies with which it is currently engaging on climate-related issues.

  • Investor groups launch campaign to engage utility sector on climate change

    29 April 2016

    A group of investors representing $20 trillion has launched a campaign to engage with utility companies.

  • AES set to issue $100m solar ABS

    30 September 2015

    US energy firm AES Corporation is set to raise $100 million through issuing solar asset-backed securities (ABS).

  • Stranded assets report names companies with dirtiest coal stations

    13 March 2015

    The power companies that own the dirtiest coal-burning power stations have been named in a report designed to help investors identify potential 'stranded assets'.

  • SunEdison buys AES out of Silver Ridge Power

    18 June 2014

    SunEdison has agreed to buy 50% of US solar firm Silver Ridge Power.