
  • Aegon 'transforms' £12bn of assets with ESG and private markets push

    20 June 2024

    Aegon has awarded mandates to BlackRock and two other fund managers as it "revolutionises" its £12 billion ($15.2 billion) Universal Balanced Collection fund.

  • Integrating human rights into investment decision making

    19 June 2024

    By directing funds toward companies that uphold human rights, investors can help drive meaningful progress while generating attractive returns at reduced risk, writes Miranda Beacham

  • The UK's SDR has overlooked 'ethical' funds

    22 April 2024

    The UK's Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) should create an additional label for 'ethical' funds, an asset manager has argued.

  • The Future of ESG Data conference: ISSB 'will help transform Wild West ESG data market'

    17 October 2023

    The work of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will help transform the Wild West of ESG data, a panel exploring potential game changers for the market heard.

  • The Future of ESG Data conference: ESG rating regulation must not 'prescribe what to provide to the market'

    17 October 2023

    Forthcoming regulation of ESG rating providers must not dictate what they should provide to the market, an Environmental Finance conference heard.

  • A stewardship code for the EU?

    08 December 2022

    Regulation will boost fund naming consistency and disclosures but more work is needed to ensure EU rules impact the real economy, speakers told a webinar hosted by Environmental Finance. Michael Hurley reports

  • Dutch investors tell oil and gas companies 'prove your commitment to Paris'

    21 October 2022
  • Binary views on double materiality 'unhelpful', says FCA

    17 October 2022

    Discussions of double materiality as binary are 'unhelpful', a senior executive at the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has said.

  • Aegon focuses £490m short-dated bond fund on 'climate transition'

    05 September 2022
  • Aegon to launch Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund at COP26

    22 October 2021

    Aegon Asset Management and Aegon UK have partnered with the Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) to introduce the new Aegon Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund at COP26.