
  • Northern lights

    10 October 2013

    While many countries covet the US shale gas revolution, could Scandinavia help lead a more sustainable revolution in Europe?

  • People moves, late September

    01 October 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, including appointments at J. Safra Sarasin, Standard Life Investments, Allianz Global Investors, F&C Investments, Carbon Capture and Storage Association and more

  • Allianz closes €150m renewables fund, and appoints new manager

    19 September 2013

    Allianz Global Investors (GI) has reached a final close for a renewables fund, with €150 million ($203 million) of commitments from institutional investors, and recruited a new manager to bolster its clean energy team.

  • BoA, UBS in, but HSBC out of sustainability index

    12 September 2013

    Bank of America, UBS and United Parcel Service are the largest of 39 companies admitted to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI), following an annual review of constituents carried out by sustainable investment specialist RobecoSAM.

  • Allianz buys three wind farms

    27 June 2013

    German insurance giant Allianz has expanded its renewable energy portfolio, buying three wind farms with a combined capacity of 100MW.

  • Can green bonds go mainstream?

    20 June 2013

    The green bond market is on the march after the first billion-dollar issuance, but what is needed for the fledgling asset class to break into the mainstream, asks Elza Holmstedt Pell

  • Green bond issuance up by a quarter - report

    14 June 2013

    The value of green bonds issued rose 25% in 2012 compared with the previous year, according to a report that expects the market to continue scaling up.

  • Allianz's renewable energy investment tops €1.5bn following Google deal

    06 June 2013

    Allianz Capital Partners has acquired a 72MW wind farm in northern Sweden that will supply power to Google's data centre in Finland.