
  • News round-up - McKinsey, M&G, Tesco, Platts, HanETF, and more

    05 March 2021
  • Bloomberg identifies VW, ArcelorMittal among 'green' recovery picks

    05 March 2021
  • BlackRock loses $90.4bn from failing to spot stranded asset risks, says IEEFA

    01 August 2019

    The world's largest asset manager, BlackRock, has seen $90.4 billion knocked off the value of its listed equities holdings over the last decade because it failed to address stranded asset risk in the fossil fuel industry, according to a report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).

  • BP CEO sparks row as he attacks scenario planning and divestment

    12 October 2018

    BP chief executive Bob Dudley attacked scenario analysis as "increasingly unhelpful" and "confusing for investors", while also criticising the fossil fuel divestment movement.

  • Businesses lay out their demands ahead of COP21

    02 November 2015

    A coalition representing some of the biggest companies in the world has cranked up the pressure on finance ministers to deliver a "robust and meaningful agreement" at the Paris climate summit in a month.

  • Multi-national corporates call for UN talks to facilitate carbon markets

    19 October 2015

    A group of 14 leading industrial companies have called on negotiators at the UN climate change talks in Paris in December to deliver an agreement that facilitates international carbon markets.

  • Lessons from the UK's first CfD auction

    09 April 2015

    The UK's inaugural Contracts for Difference auction was seen as a success in driving down prices for the government. In what way will future auctions be different, and who are likely to be the big winners, ask Charles Yates and Mark Hughes

  • The best performing funds of 2014: Ecofi Enjeux Futurs

    03 February 2015

    Finding firms that help address challenges caused by environmental pressures and the growing global population helped produce benchmark-beating results. Fund manager Olivier Plaisant talks to Peter Cripps

  • Alstom shareholders approve $13.5bn takeover by GE

    22 December 2014

    Shareholders of French industrial giant Alstom have approved the sale of the firm's energy businesses to General Electric (GE) of the US for $13.5 billion.

  • European Commission backs CCS project with €300m

    08 July 2014

    The UK's Capture Power consortium was today awarded a €300 million ($408 million) grant by the European Commission to develop its White Rose carbon capture and storage (CCS) project near Selby, Yorkshire.