
  • Blue Earth leads $29m for Indian grain commerce platform

    10 July 2024
  • Ground-breaking 'Transition Loan Principles' expected by November

    03 July 2024

    With formal principles on the horizon, the 'transition loan' market could be on the cusp of a new era - a dramatic step-change that could extend into the bond market. Ahren Lester reports

  • First 'blue bond' in Vietnam issued

    01 July 2024

    Southeast Asia Commercial Bank (SeABank) has raised $75 million from a sustainable bond which is the first in Vietnam to include a 'blue bond' tranche focused on sustainable marine and water projects.

  • Net Zero Investment Framework reduces focus on financed emissions, warning of 'perverse outcomes'

    25 June 2024

    The second version of the widely used Net Zero Investment Framework investor transition planning guide has been published, with a reduced focus on encouraging the reduction of emissions linked to financing.

  • Policymakers urged to push for taxonomy equivalence over interoperability

    04 June 2024

    While interoperability of taxonomies should be welcomed, it is "not enough" and policymakers need to move towards equivalence, an Environmental Finance conference has heard.

  • Chinese exchanges should require Scope 3 disclosures, investor group says

    29 May 2024
  • Feedback sought on first draft of Australian taxonomy

    28 May 2024

    The Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI) has opened a public consultation on the first draft of its proposed taxonomy, including its headline ambitions and first three priority areas.

  • LGIM leads push for Nippon Steel to disclose its climate lobbying

    22 May 2024
  • Australian government wins investor group praise for climate funding

    15 May 2024

    Investor groups have welcomed a AUD22.7 billion ($15.1 billion) funding package the Australian government has pledged to support the transition to net zero, development of sustainability fund labels and tackling 'greenwashing'.

  • 'Unprecedented': Woodside Energy climate plan rejected by investors

    24 April 2024

    Australian oil and gas firm Woodside Energy had its climate transition plan rejected by a majority of shareholders at its annual general meeting (AGM), with investor groups arguing this record-breaking opposition showed its plans remained "insufficient".