
  • Shareholder group steps up rare metals engagement

    03 December 2021

    A group of shareholders with a total of €30 billion ($34 billion) in assets said it will this month begin stepping up its engagement with companies involved with potential controversies in the supply chains of rare earths and rare metals.

  • WBA announces 2,000 most influential firms for sustainable future

    21 January 2020

    The World Benchmarking Alliance has revealed the 2,000 companies that it believes have the greatest influence on global progress towards a "more sustainable future" ahead of ranking them for progress.

  • 125 global organisations push for environmental action within supply chains

    09 December 2019

    125 global companies and public organisations are pushing for more action to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and tackle other environmental challenges within supply chains.

  • ERM snaps up SustainAbility as industry consolidation continues

    14 January 2019

    Environmental Resources Management (ERM), a specialist consultancy with 160 offices worldwide, has acquired SustainAbility, the pioneering think tank and advisory firm set up by John Elkington and Julia Hailes in 1987.

  • Pension funds grill major companies on climate lobbying

    29 October 2018

    A group of more than 50 major companies have been challenged on their approach to climate lobbying by investors with assets of about $2 trillion.

  • UK pension fund forum urges greater climate action from 16 firms

    10 August 2018

    The UK Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) issued several climate-related voting alerts to ramp up pressure on 16 oil and gas, mining and transport companies in the second quarter of this year.

  • Climate Action 100+ expands its reach and attracts new backers

    04 July 2018

    An additional 61 companies have been added to Climate Action 100+ list, increasing the reach of the investor-backed initiative that aims to engage with "systemically important greenhouse gas emitters".

  • Electric vehicles could hit price parity with diesel and petrol from 2022, CDP says

    19 January 2018

    Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will reach price parity with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles from about 2022, according to research published by CDP.

  • US 'to overtake Germany as third biggest solar market', despite Trump

    25 January 2017

    The US will become the third largest market for solar in 2017 overtaking Germany, according to a report by data provider Sustainalytics.

  • Australian banks shine in RobecoSAM ratings

    24 January 2017

    Just six financial institutions have been awarded 'gold stars' in RobecoSAM's 2017 Sustainability Yearbook, and three of them were Australian banks.