
  • Battery production poses fresh environmental risks to automakers' supply chains

    04 July 2016

    While electric vehicles (EV) are set to have an important role to play in helping tackling climate change, their boom could cause its own environmental problems – through the mining of lithium for the batteries that power them.

  • EF BRIEFS: Allianz; Electric car subsidy, US Clean Power Plan hearing postponed

    18 May 2016

    Allianz Global Investors has acquired an onshore wind portfolio from the Dutch Infrastructure Fund (DIF).

  • Car makers set for up to $4.8bn fines for non-compliance on climate change, warns CDP

    21 March 2016

    Leading car manufacturers could face penalties of up for $4.8 billion for falling short of emissions rules, CDP has warned investors.

  • First index launched to track bonds from low-carbon issuers

    08 March 2016

    An index has been launched which is believed to be the first to comprise bonds from low-carbon companies.

  • Solar, batteries and electric vehicles to render centralised energy a dinosaur, warns report

    22 August 2014

    The combined impact of solar, batteries and electric vehicles has the potential to start disrupting the electricity markets by the end of the decade, analysts have forecast.

  • 'Responsibility reporting is now mainstream, but still not linked to performance'

    09 December 2013

    The majority of big companies produce Corporate Responsibility (CR) reports but only 5% are linked to financial performance, leaving them open to accusations that they are merely 'greenwash', an event to mark the launch of a new study heard.

  • Financial rewards drive emissions reductions, says CDP

    12 September 2013

    Financial incentives for employees, particularly at board level, are powerful drivers of corporate action on climate change, according to a major new survey.

  • UK commits £1bn to low-carbon vehicle research

    15 July 2013

    The government and the automotive industry in the UK have each agreed to invest £500 million ($755 million) over the next 10 years to develop and commercialise technologies for low-carbon vehicles.