
  • Is Climate Action 100+ pushing hard enough?

    19 July 2019

    The heavyweight investor engagement initiative has won some victories with fossil fuel giants. But should it be demanding more, asks Elena K Johansson.

  • Investors name and shame 700 companies for poor environmental impact reporting

    17 June 2019

    Investors with almost $10 trillion in assets have begun pushing more than 700 companies, including ExxonMobil, Amazon and Volvo, to disclose better environmental impact information.

  • GBPs map 'green' project eligibility against other taxonomies

    13 June 2019

    A mapping of how the influential Green Bond Principles' (GBPs) judgment of "greenness" corresponds with that of other standards and taxonomies has been published.

  • BP climate change resolution passes with 99% support

    22 May 2019

    A shareholder resolution calling on BP to prepare a business strategy consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change secured 99.14% of votes at the oil giant's annual general meeting.

  • BP climate resolution receives record investor support

    16 May 2019

    Investor support for a BP climate shareholder resolution represents a new "global best", according to the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).

  • Aegon supports Follow This climate resolutions

    13 May 2019

    Dutch insurer Aegon has announced its support for nine climate resolutions at four major oil firms' annual general meetings (AGMs).

  • Equinor bows to investor pressure of Climate Action 100+

    25 April 2019

    Equinor has become the latest oil and gas company to bow to investor pressure to strengthen its climate targets.

  • French regulator calls for ‘green and brown’ taxonomy

    12 April 2019

    France’s financial regulator has called for the rapid introduction of a formal definition of investments that are beneficial or detrimental to the environment – a so-called taxonomy of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ assets.

  • Success of $32trn Climate Action 100+ ‘at risk’, say NGOs

    12 April 2019

    The success of the Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) collaborative investor engagement initiative is being jeopardised because many investors are failing to fully support it, according to a group of civil society organisations.

  • Norway's oil fund to divest upstream oil and gas companies

    08 March 2019

    Norway's giant 'oil fund' is set to divest from NOK70 billion ($8 billion) of oil & gas exploration and production companies, in "a significant landmark" in the energy transition.