
  • US banks lament data gaps in first Fed climate scenario analysis

    10 May 2024

    The Federal Reserve's first climate scenario analysis of the country's six largest banks exposed widespread data gaps that threaten to undermine the accurate assessment of climate-related risks.

  • Church of England to back climate disclosure shareholder proposals for US banks

    09 April 2024

    The Church of England Pensions Board will vote in favour of measures that could force several US banks, including Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, to disclose the level of their fossil fuel financing relative to that for clean energy.

  • BlackRock, Vanguard and Capital Group are 'biggest livestock investors'

    18 March 2024
  • TNFD devising transition plan guidance as it casts eyes to COP16

    12 March 2024

    The Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has begun to devise guidance on incorporating nature information in climate transition plans, to ensure it is coherent with similar work by the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero and the UK Transition Plan Taskforce.

  • 'Appalling inaction' on deforestation by BlackRock, Vanguard, Wells Fargo

    28 February 2024

    BlackRock, Vanguard and Wells Fargo have been accused of "appalling inaction" on deforestation by NGO Global Canopy, which criticised the lack of policies and continued financing of deforestation over the past decade.

  • Bank of America CEO pleas for regulatory consistency on ISSB adoption

    22 February 2024

    Bank of America's CEO urged regulators not to diverge from the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, as the banking head warned that doing so would deepen confusion of an 'alphabet soup' of sustainability reporting.

  • Bank of America 'backpedals' on commitment to walk away from Arctic drilling

    05 February 2024
  • AfDB launches ground-breaking 'sustainable hybrid' bond

    30 January 2024

    The African Development Bank (AfDB) has launched the first 'sustainable hybrid capital' bond from a multi-lateral development bank (MDB).

  • Japan's 'green transformation' bond: A test case for transition finance

    31 October 2023

    The Japanese government's inaugural transition bond is expected to include controversial technologies. Michael Hurley reports

  • Biodiversity credits should learn 'painful lessons' from carbon market, says Bank of America

    13 October 2023

    Biodiversity credit markets need to learn "painful lessons" from the carbon markets, and may require support from governments to build their credibility, said Bank of America.