
  • People moves 9 September: IFRS, EFRAG, ING, Bank of America, Barclays ... and more

    09 September 2022
  • Impact fund draws Bank of America, JP Morgan backing

    04 August 2022
  • People moves including Macquarie, ISS ESG, EFRAG, Natixis & more...

    22 July 2022
  • Minority of US bank investors support climate proposals

    27 April 2022
  • CEB issues 'first' social bond targeting Ukraine refugee crisis

    11 April 2022

    The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) has issued a €1 billion ($1.1 billion) 'social inclusion bond' to fund the response to the Ukraine refugee crisis caused by the country's invasion by Russia, believed to be the first social bond to target the crisis.

  • Major banks to disclose airline loan book emissions

    08 April 2022
  • Bank of America deploys $250bn in sustainable finance

    04 April 2022
  • Bank of America invests $5m in ABC impact fund

    25 February 2022

    The Bank of America has invested $5 million in the Agri-Business Capital (ABC) Fund - a "landmark" commercial investment for the impact fund,...

  • North American banks form climate risk group

    14 January 2022

    A group of 19 US and Canadian banks has formally agreed to collaborate on approaches to managing climate risk, as regulators across the continent ready new rules.

  • People Moves 7 January 2022: BMO, JPMorgan, Schroders, BoA and more...

    07 January 2022