
  • The US 'plays catch-up' on climate stress testing

    27 March 2023

    A Federal Reserve-led climate scenario analysis exercise with US banks is underway, and implications for capital requirements are unclear, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Michael Hurley reports

  • US ESG pushback won't have staying power, says Breckinridge

    23 March 2023

    The political pushback from some US states on ESG "won't have any staying power", with resistance likely to fade as states realise the imperative to invest for climate resilience, an analyst at Breckinridge Capital Advisors has said.

  • ESG in Fixed Income Americas conference: Highlights

    04 October 2022

    The in-person conference attracted more than 300 delegates and continued to demonstrate the growing momentum for sustainable finance in the region, writes Ahren Lester

  • Breckinridge devises framework for net zero assessments

    19 April 2022

    The fixed income investor believes assessing companies' transition plans is a material investment consideration, writes Genevieve Redgrave

  • BlackRock, CalSTRS snap up BoA's $500m green bond

    22 November 2013

    BlackRock, California State Teachers' Retirement System and TIAA-CREF were among the investors in Bank of America's first-ever green bond.