
  • Asset manager neglect of climate adaptation leads Brunel to take engagement 'into own hands'

    22 July 2024

    UK pension pool Brunel has begun an engagement programme with 20 companies in the consumer staples sector asking them to prioritise investment in climate adaptation measures, as it said asset managers were failing to do so.

  • Listing rules change will raise cost of capital for UK business, asset owners warn

    21 June 2024
  • People Moves, 5 April: Brunel Pensions, Railpen, Actis, EFRAG, TNFD and more

    05 April 2024
  • Don't demonise high emitting companies that disclose Scope 3, says pensions group

    19 March 2024

    Investors risk "misallocating capital" if they unfairly punish high-emitting companies that disclose their Scope 3 emissions, as these will often make them look worse than peers that fail to disclose, a senior figure at a UK pensions group has warned.

  • Asset managers' climate stewardship needs to be 'dismantled', says pension fund

    21 November 2023

    An analysis of asset managers' voting records on climate resolutions at oil and gas companies has triggered one of the UK's biggest pension funds to call for a "complete dismantling" of the industry's approach to stewardship.

  • NBIM warns London listing change would curb investor influence

    30 June 2023

    The manager of the world's largest sovereign wealth fund has added its voice to warnings that the UK's plans to reform its listing rules could "decrease" the influence of investor engagement with companies.

  • People moves, 26 May: Verra, Allianz GI, Standard Chartered, Federated Hermes ... and more

    26 May 2023
  • The Future of ESG Data Conference: Highlights

    20 October 2022

    Environmental Finance's in-person conference on The Future of ESG Data this week highlighted the numerous challenges that are being addressed in the space, as related regulatory and market developments unfold at record pace

  • Brunel: Confronting social and climate issues together is 'critical'

    19 October 2022

    Handling social issues like diversity alongside climate change will be crucial in the transition to a low-carbon global economy, a Brunel Pension Partnership executive has said.

  • $7trn investor group demands corporate mental health disclosure

    11 July 2022