
  • EU's non-binding guidelines adopt TCFD framework

    19 June 2019

    New EU guidelines on corporate climate-related reporting have integrated the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and signal a growing alignment for the disclosure regime globally.

  • Investors name and shame 700 companies for poor environmental impact reporting

    17 June 2019

    Investors with almost $10 trillion in assets have begun pushing more than 700 companies, including ExxonMobil, Amazon and Volvo, to disclose better environmental impact information.

  • Companies report $1trn at risk due to climate change

    06 June 2019

    Some of the world's biggest companies have reported a total of almost $1 trillion in potential bottom line losses due to climate change, according to the CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project).

  • $7bn of Chinese soy chain capital ‘exposed to deforestation risk’

    31 May 2019

    Chinese financial institutions have been urged to manage their exposure to deforestation risks, after a study found that about $7 billion in bond and share issues by companies in the country’s soy supply chain are exposed.

  • CDP names its 43 A rated cities, to spur greater ambition

    13 May 2019

    Forty-three cities have received an 'A' rating from CDP for their work in combating climate change, including London, Paris and Hong Kong.

  • CDSB and SASB team up to deliver TCFD 'how-to' guide

    01 May 2019

    The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) have jointly published a 'how-to' guide to help implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) into mainstream corporate reports.

  • People moves: CDP, PRI, East Capital, GIG

    26 April 2019

    Bruno Sarda has joined CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, as president of North America.

  • Retail sector less transparent on water risk than oil & gas, CDP says

    22 March 2019
  • BMO launches SDG engagement fund

    04 March 2019

    BMO Global Asset Management has launched an equity fund that will actively engage with investee companies、 using the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework.

  • US consumer goods sector must up its low-carbon game, CDP says

    25 February 2019

    Major US companies in the fast-moving consumer goods sector, including Kraft Heinz, Estée Lauder and P&G, must up their game or risk falling foul of changing consumer demands and increased environmental regulation.