
  • Inconsistency of ESG data can help boost investment returns, says Calvert

    14 June 2016

    The inefficiency of the market in environmental, social and governance (ESG) data creates opportunities for investors who understand these issues to boost returns without adding extra risk, according to research from Calvert Investment Management.

  • Calvert report shows positive effect of ESG on equity investments

    24 July 2015

    Incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions can enhance the risk-adjusted performance of an equity portfolio, a report by responsible investment firm Calvert Investment Management has found.

  • Citi and Renew Financial issue first ever unsecured energy efficiency ABS

    17 June 2015

    Citi and Renew Financial have issued the first ever asset-backed security (ABS) transaction comprised of unsecured consumer energy efficiency loans.

  • Large investors accused of weak sustainable investment policies on forestry

    11 February 2015

    Most institutional investors have "poorly developed sustainable investment policies" regarding forest commodities, according to Forest 500, an initiative of the Global Canopy Programme (GCP), a UK-based think tank.

  • Governments and companies in joint pledge to halt forest loss

    24 September 2014

    More than 30 national governments, 40 companies and numerous NGOs and regional governments have pledged to work to halt deforestation globally by 2030.

  • BlackRock, CalSTRS snap up BoA's $500m green bond

    22 November 2013

    BlackRock, California State Teachers' Retirement System and TIAA-CREF were among the investors in Bank of America's first-ever green bond.