
  • TransitionArc launched to 'supercharge' transition plan analysis

    27 June 2024

    CDP, Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) have collaborated with Climate Arc to launch a "one-stop tool to assess corporate transitions" that a senior executive said would "supercharge" such analysis.

  • Oil and gas giants a long way from Paris, claims Carbon Tracker

    20 March 2024
  • People Moves, 1 March: South Pole, PRI, Blue Earth Capital, United Bankers ... and more

    01 March 2024
  • Pensions regulator voices 'concerns' on climate scenarios

    02 August 2023

    The UK's Pensions Regulator (TPR) "shares concerns" that the outputs of climate scenario models may be unreliable, a senior executive has said.

  • UK green finance strategy 'fails to address challenge of financing transition'

    31 March 2023

    The UK's green finance strategy has been accused of "failing to address the ... challenge of financing the overall energy transition" by not explaining how the country aims to promote investment to decarbonise its economy.

  • Climate inconsistency in financial reports could be 'greenwashing'

    06 October 2022

    The inconsistent handling of climate-related factors in the financial statements of highly carbon-exposed companies could be evidence of 'greenwashing,' according to Carbon Tracker.

  • Investors 'increasingly' at risk from methane regulation

    20 January 2022

    Companies and their investors are increasingly likely to be exposed to regulation changes as high emitters of methane become easier to identify because of improved data collection, UK think tank Carbon Tracker Initiative has said.

  • Investors welcome UK's plans for mandatory transition reporting

    03 November 2021

    Investors and NGOs have given a cautious welcome to the UK's plans to introduce mandatory reporting for financial firms on their transition strategies.

  • $2.7trn BlackRock proxy voting move 'game-changing' for industry

    08 October 2021

    BlackRock will offer institutional clients expanded proxy voting options across its index business in the "first step" from the asset manager...

  • Exclusive investor reaction to IPCC report: No part of portfolio immune

    09 August 2021

    A landmark report published today by leading climate scientists has been greeted by investors as a chastening warning of the potentially catastrophic impacts of current global emissions, but also an important signifier of the transition required.