
  • French government warned against 'institutionalising' greenwashing in Label ISR

    31 October 2023
  • People Moves, 6 March: DG FISMA, ResponsAbility, Carbon4 Finance

    06 March 2020
  • TEG expects ‘massive domino effect’ of ESG benchmark disclosures

    01 October 2019

    A prominent member of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) has predicted that recommendations for minimum disclosure requirements for most investment indexes “will have a massive domino effect” on companies publishing environmental, social and governance (ESG) information.

  • People Moves: Newton, AMF, LuxSE, Church Commissioners

    27 September 2019

    Newton Investment Management has hired Andrew Parry as head of sustainable investment, as part of the expansion of its responsible investment team.

  • Carbone 4 supports inclusion of Scope 3 in EU benchmark proposals

    14 November 2018

    European Commission proposals to introduce minimum standards for low-carbon benchmarks should factor in emissions from a company’s value chain - so-called Scope 3 emissions - according to a member of the group mandated to deliver the changes.

  • Members of EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance announced

    13 June 2018

    The European Commission has announced the members of its Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance.

  • Mirova to develop carbon measurement method

    30 March 2015

    Sustainable investment specialist Mirova is to help develop a method for measuring companies' greenhouse gas emissions.