
  • New York City files to sue five oil majors, plans $5bn pension fossil fuel divestment

    11 January 2018

    New York City has filed a lawsuit against five oil majors for damages caused by climate change, and the city's pension funds intend to divest $5 billion from fossil fuel companies, as its mayor launched a blistering attack on the firms.

  • Devon shareholders reject climate resolution

    08 June 2017

    Shareholders of US oil company Devon Energy have voted against a resolution calling on the company to do more to report on climate change at its annual general meeting (AGM).

  • Four US oil majors face shareholder resolutions on climate lobbying

    30 November 2016

    Four US oil majors are to be hit by shareholder resolutions calling on them to disclose their anti-climate change lobbying activities, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • Oil majors would add value by focussing on low-carbon assets, says CTI

    09 May 2016

    Major oil and gas companies could be worth significantly more by aligning their investment plans with a 2°C climate change target rather than pursuing business as usual, according to the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI).