
  • COP28: Amundi launches European agriculture fund

    08 December 2023
  • Bioeconomy fund leads €17m Series A round in agtech lighting business

    22 November 2023
  • Japan's 'green transformation' bond: A test case for transition finance

    31 October 2023

    The Japanese government's inaugural transition bond is expected to include controversial technologies. Michael Hurley reports

  • CA-CIB publishes 'five steps' to green banking transition

    11 October 2023

    Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank (CA-CIB) has published the 'five steps' to greening banking operations based on its own experience, in a report from an International Finance Corporation (IFC)-led bank alliance.

  • EIB issues 'first' digital green bond in Europe

    20 June 2023

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has raised SEK1 billion ($93 million) from the first "digital green bond" in Europe, which was issued through an open source platform developed by SEB and Crédit Agricole CIB (CA-CIB).

  • IIGCC to step up pressure on banks to demonstrate action on net zero

    06 June 2023

    A group representing investors with €65 trillion ($70 trillion) in assets under management has published a set of expectations for banks, as they push for more details on how banks will act on pledges to achieve net zero emissions.

  • 'Next wave of GSSS bonds in Americas to come from hard-to-abate sectors'

    12 May 2023

    The next wave of labelled bonds in the Americas will be from companies in hard-to-abate sectors, which have been underrepresented in the market so far, an underwriter has predicted.

  • SEB, CA-CIB launch blockchain-based digital bond platform

    04 April 2023
  • CDC Biodiversité to add three sectors to biodiversity footprint tool

    14 March 2023

    CDC is planning to expand its biodiversity footprinting tool to enable simplified assessments of three sectors in more detail, as asset managers trial the methodology with private portfolio companies.

  • Crédit Agricole to invest €300m in 'agri-food' transition

    21 February 2023