
  • People Moves, 21 June: GEF, TNFD, GRI, S&P Trucost, UBS ... and more

    21 June 2024
  • Are debt-for-nature swaps misunderstood?

    04 October 2023

    Debt-for-nature swaps have faced criticism, but they may have an important role to play in protecting biodiversity in developing markets. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • Credit Suisse arranges $1.6bn debt-for-nature conversion with Ecuador

    11 May 2023

    Credit Suisse has arranged a deal to exchange $1.6 billion of Ecuadorian international bonds for a $656 million 'marine bond', in a debt-for-nature conversion that it was claimed was the biggest ever...

  • Credit Suisse: Another headwind for 'green' AT1 bonds

    21 March 2023

    The proposed wipe-out of additional tier 1 (AT1) bondholders as part of the Credit Suisse "merger" with UBS has sent prices of the limited 'green' AT1 issuances lower, providing a further headwind for the rare instrument.

  • Investors urged to reject Credit Suisse climate strategy

    14 March 2023
  • People Moves 27 January: Credit Suisse, UK TPT and more...

    27 January 2023
  • Credit Suisse postpones green property fund capital raise

    03 October 2022

    Credit Suisse has postponed a capital raise for a green real estate fund, blaming "high market volatility".

  • Barbados strikes $150m biodiversity debt conversion

    21 September 2022

    The Nature Conservancy has announced a debt conversion with the government of Barbados, which it says will "unlock" $50 million for biodiversity protection projects in the country.

  • People Moves 26 August: ISSB, Barclays, Citi, Swiss Re, BCG and more...

    26 August 2022
  • US states target ESG investment as US SIF hits back at 'political' attacks

    25 August 2022

    Politicians in two US states have launched anti-environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment policies, whilst the US SIF has published an 'ESG Truths' website amid growing "politically motivated and simplistic attacks" on ESG in the country.