
  • Starmer's UK is 'back in the race to net zero'

    05 July 2024

    Sustainability-focused investors reacted positively to the landslide victory for Keir Starmer's Labour party in the UK's general election, amid claims that "the UK is back in the race to net zero".

  • Observers bemoan lack of progress on NDCs, climate finance at key pre-COP meeting

    13 June 2024

    Country negotiators at a key meeting intended to "set the table" for discussions at COP29 in November have made very little progress on key issues including national pledges to the Paris Agreement and a new climate finance target, according to E3G.

  • G7 finance ministers call for 'credible' climate transition plans

    28 May 2024
  • EU rowback on agricultural policy 'irresponsible', say investors

    26 March 2024

    A proposal to water down environmental protections within the EU's Common Agricultural Policy has been deemed "irresponsible" by investors.

  • UK draws fire for insufficient climate finance strategy in face of US, EU plans

    22 November 2023

    The UK government has been criticised by an investor group for failing to detail a comprehensive net-zero investment strategy in its latest set-piece policy announcements, placing it at risk of falling further behind the US and EU in attracting green investment.

  • Require transition plans in Solvency II, EU urged

    13 November 2023
  • Transition plans urged to identify transition nature impacts

    09 October 2023

    Organisations have been urged to identify how their efforts to transition will impact nature and society, and disclose these as part of their transition plans.

  • EU calls on investors to create more transition finance products

    14 June 2023

    The European Commission has called on financial institutions to offer more transition-related financing solutions as well as integrate transition plans further into their risk assessments.

  • G7 encourages transition plan implementation

    22 May 2023

    The leaders of the world's biggest economies have called on the private sector to set and implement "credible" climate transition plans in line with the Paris Agreement.

  • G7 rowback raises fears for ISSB adoption

    15 May 2023

    Concerns have been raised about how widely the International Sustainability Standards Board's (ISSB) forthcoming disclosure standards will be adopted, after G7 finance ministers appeared to scale back their commitment to using it as a global baseline.