
  • French infrastructure investor buys stake in offshore wind farm

    06 December 2013

    A French infrastructure investor has made its first investment in offshore wind, acquiring a 7.5% stake in the German Butendiek project.

  • Offshore wind grid group issues £305m bond with EIB credit enhancement

    28 November 2013

    A company that operates a power connection between an offshore wind farm and the grid has become the first renewables-related bond to receive credit enhancement through a European Investment Bank (EIB) programme.

  • Second round of NER300 sales to start next month

    09 October 2013

    The second round of emissions permit sales under the NER300 initiative will begin in mid-November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced.

  • EIB should be lender of last resort for offshore wind, claims banker

    11 July 2013

    Commercial banks are increasingly willing to finance offshore wind farms, meaning the European Investment Bank (EIB) should step back and take a less prominent role in lending to projects, a leading banker in the sector has claimed.