
  • People Moves, 8 March: Ardian, Credit Agricole, IFRS, Permira, Palatine, Sustainable Fitch ... and more

    08 March 2024
  • Loan round-up: Q Collection, Sermsang, ESR and more

    07 March 2024
  • Permira launches climate transition platform

    06 March 2024
  • Investors urge Asian governments to develop policies for coal phaseout

    01 March 2024
  • Biodiversity funds underperform benchmarks in 2023

    29 February 2024

    The growing universe of biodiversity funds generally posted positive returns in 2023, but active funds lagged their benchmarks. Genevieve Redgrave reports.

  • Federated Hermes leads $25m funding round in Singapore compliance platform

    27 February 2024
  • Support CSDDD to save lives, expert group urges German government

    27 February 2024
  • Biodiversity funds top $1 billion for first time

    27 February 2024

    Biodiversity fund assets topped $1 billion for the first time in 2023, but the majority of funds in the universe remain small.

  • Three new biodiversity funds launched in Q4

    20 February 2024

    Three new biodiversity funds were launched in the final quarter of 2023, taking total number to 19, according to research conducted by Environmental Finance.

  • German government urged to work with France to build on UK transition plan work

    19 February 2024

    The German government has been told to work with France and the UK Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) to build common expectations on corporate disclosure of climate transition plans, by a government-mandated expert group.