
  • Don't wait for regulation to act on climate, EC director tells insurers

    04 February 2021

    While insurers want policy makers' help to tackle climate change, they have been told not to wait for regulation to act. Meanwhile, climate activists have urged regulators and legislators to step in, as they have no confidence in the industry's ambitions

  • Insurance Europe warns against imposing climate risk scenarios in Orsas

    07 January 2021
  • Insurers' equity holdings could lose 25% of their value due to transition risk, EIOPA says

    16 December 2020
  • EIOPA proposes 'impact underwriting' to address climate risk

    10 December 2020

    Insurers can contribute to climate adaptation and mitigation efforts by developing new insurance products that incentivise policyholders to mitigate insured risks - thereby implementing 'impact underwriting', the European regulator has said.

  • Eiopa opens consultation on insurers' sustainable KPIs

    02 December 2020

    Public consultation open from 30 November to 12 January 2021

  • Green supporting factors "an important debate" in Solvency II review

    13 October 2020

    Lower capital charges for sustainable assets is going to be "an important debate, at least from a political perspective", in the Solvency II review, according to Didier Millerot, head of the European Commission's insurance and pensions unit

  • Eiopa consults on climate risk scenarios in insurers' Orsas

    07 October 2020

    The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa) has published a consultation on the use of climate change risk scenarios in insurers' own risk and solvency assessments (Orsas).

  • Insurers say regulators have the sustainability power

    21 August 2020

    JP Morgan Asset Management and Environmental Finance's sister publication Insurance Asset Risk have joined forces to understand what lies under the bonnet of insurers' responsible investment announcements. Findings were compiled in a report. We present some of the key high- level discoveries, with part one focusing on regulation. Vincent Huck reports

  • EIOPA calls for non-financial information to be audited

    17 June 2020

    The lack of reliability and comparability of the non-financial information disclosed by companies is one of the challenges to embedding sustainability considerations in investors' risk management and other processes, according to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).

  • Just 30% of EU pension schemes have ESG risk management strategy - EIOPA

    18 December 2019

    Only about 30% of occupational pension schemes in the EU have a strategy to manage environmental, social or governance (ESG)-related risks to their investments, a stress test by the European regulator has shown.